Main Stage Speakers

9:00 to 9:15  honey  Queen welcome to Expo





9:15 to 9:45 Flowering lawns ( create a pollinator friendly property




10: 00 10:45 Peggy Desanto. hive hugger winter system





11:00 to 11:30 Wayne honey raising queens






11:45 to 12:30 pheasants forever





12:45 to 1:15 Drew Kiaser ( wanna be a bee keeper)






1:30 to 2:15  Bee squad Lets  fight mites






2:30 to 3:30 USDA our programs



3:35 large ticket raffle



cooking with Honey

8:00 to 8:30 honey  vs  sugar

8:45 to 9:15   Abundant Acres Soap with Honey

9:30 to 10:00   Mi Mi Cafe  sweet sour chicken with honey ,  plus honey lemonade


10:15 to 10:45  Silverling Centennial farm Market



11:00 to 11:30  taste and try (Honey of a fudge sauce)




11:45 to12:15                         to be  announced



12:00 to 1:00  taste & try ( Energy Bar)



1:15 to 1:45 Paula' in fusion  go natural




2:00 to 2.30  Galen Klisiewicz

Chicken honey Adobe with Atchara salad (Philippine recipe)


2:45  3:15  Cinnamon Honey Challah    Aundre brown

Drawing  prizes after every  demo

break out demos at the booth ( all day long)

9:00 and 2:00  What is new at Mann Lake

10:00 creek side food  plots

10:30 and  2:30     Du Wayne on honey processing  watch  his demo. uncapping honey honey  tasting   cream honey  and   comb honey

11:00 Nex  gen motor sports    see whats  new and exciting

11:30  the butcher block   food preservation

12:00 pheasants forever and USDA 

1:00  Peggy De Santo  hive hugger   questions and answers

2:00  Bee haven   see the new  hives and learn how they  work

3:00  flowering lawn seed  making the  change for nature

Kids Corner at the Expo

Stop by kids corner. We have activity pages,  Bee Bracelets bee stickers, face painting in the morning, Balloons by Kevin in the afternoon

raffle drawing all day long